Donna R. ~ North Carolina
Jeep Gladiator + $10,000 Cash

Donna entered during the last 5 days (5x entries) of the giveaway.
Winner Name
Donna R.
Date Received
May, 22 2022
Prize Won
2022 Jeep Gladiator + $10,000 Cash
Giveaway Type
Influencer Name: Hodge Twins
Donna loves the Twins and tunes into their content on a daily basis. Without her husband knowing, Donna purchased some of the Twins new wristbands they had designed and became a subscriber to the Twins VIP Club. Little did she know, that secret would come to light for the better!
"I can't believe that I actually won something in my life" Donna says as she's fanning $10,000 in cash through her hands!
To this day, Donna and the Twins still keep in contact talking about the Jeep Gladiator she won off a little secret.